Any Patient. Any Time. Anywhere




Monitoring patients is a critical component of both diagnosis and continued care. During the diagnostic process symptoms can be temporary or erratic. Successfully assessing patient concerns can require a more longitudinal approach. In the acute care environment, patient monitoring can be critical to ensuring treatment success. Traditional monitoring methods rely on use case specific solutions and rarely provide a patient friendly solution. The Rijuven Platform seeks to change the game. We view live patient monitoring as a flexible tool that can transition seamlessly between pre and post acute care settings. With modular inputs, monitoring can take the shape of MCOT or fall monitoring. We provide a patient friendly, live monitoring system designed to tackle multiple care scenarios. Every heart beat can be monitored live from beat to beat with instant analysis and decision support. Every movement can be tracked and every fall recorded. With linked vital devices, a monitored bed can be assembled on short notice anywhere in the world. Patients can transition from recovery to the home without losing the valuable capabilities of the facility. This is a new era in patient friendly monitored care.




case studies